Personal and Travel Safety for Banks

“Safeguarding our workers is an essential part of our commitment in providing an environment where staff feel safe and protected when working on the front line. It is imperative all of our staff are fully equipped with a functional, robust solution. It is important for us to implement an easy to use platform which allows them our staff to raise an alert in the event of an emergency.”
Health and Safety Coordinator

The scenario

One of the largest banks operating in Australia and Asia identified that those working alone at opening and closing time were exposed to a higher level of risk. Their sales agents were also identified to be vulnerable, especially those travelling to dangerous or remote areas to meet customers.

Industry: Financial Services

Location: Australia

Outcome: A personal safety platform for those working alone or traveling to remote areas

How Locate Global helps

Locate Global provided a lone worker app which was downloaded on to their corporate smartphones and used by the bank’s staff. Together with the cloud-based safety platform, this provides enhanced safety and greater visibility of their employee wellbeing.

This also provides support to those opening and closing sites, travelling to unfamiliar cities or overseas, such as sales representatives and drivers in transit.

The bank’s employees now feel more assured when working alone as they can share their location quickly and effectively with co-workers and management.

Benefits of the Locate Global platform

To alert emergency contacts or the security operations center of a potential threat, app-users simply need to shake their device. In situations where the user is forced to deactivate their alert, they can use the duress pin code to notify the response team who can escalate the issue appropriately.

The journey sharing feature on the Locate Global app ensures safe travel by providing real time updates as workers move between locations. A meeting timer can also be set, so when sales agents are visiting a potentially dangerous area, or location with no connection, an alert can be automatically raised when the time runs out.

Thanks to our smart GPS technology, a user’s location can be pinpointed in an emergency. This is sent along with audio and video footage, which can be used to ascertain the risks present and collate evidence in the event of an incident.

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