The platform for local
Government lone workers
“Safeguarding our workers is an essential part of our commitment in providing an environment where staff feel safe and protected when working on the front line. It is imperative all of our staff are fully equipped with a functional, It is important for us to implement an easy to use platform which allows them our staff to raise an alerts in the event of an emergency.”
Health and Safety Coordinator
The scenario
Enhanced measures were required after a serious incident involving a breach at a local government building, impacting several social workers. Our platform Locate Global became a reliable communication tool, essential to the organisation’s operations, providing stability during a concerning time.
Industry: Local Government
Location: New Zealand
Outcome: A reliable communication tool that’s an essential part of its operational infrastructure
How Locate Global helps
Using GPS, the Locate Global smartphone app is used to monitor community outreach workers who often work alone and in remote locations. This includes social workers on home visits, community mental health workers, transport care services, occupational therapists and those working in child protection.
The app also features a range of alerts which workers can discretely activate if they find themselves at risk, so action can be taken.